Grow at Canvas
Welcome to Canvas
Let's help you take your next step here.
Take your next step
Canvas isn't an event you attend, it's a community you belong too.
When Canvas started in 2013, our vision was always to be more than event you attend once a week. We imagined a church that felt more like a family you belong too.
We want to make connecting to Canvas as easy and stress-free as possible. Below you will find the pathway to connecting further to the Canvas community. Feel free to walk through these three steps as fast or as slow as you'd like and please let us know how we can make Canvas feel more like home for you.

Step One
Attend Belong Night
Belong Night is the first step for anyone new to Canvas. You will learn the Canvas vision, discover how to join a Group, hear all the ways Canvas is making a difference and how you can join us, and, of course, you'll walk away with a lot of new friends at Canvas.
Step Two
Serve on the Dream Team
The Dream Team is how Canvas exists. Everyone on the Dream Team serves at Canvas to make Canvas a special community. On the Dream Team you will make a difference and make a lot of friends at the same time.


Step Three
Grow in a Canvas Group
Canvas Groups are where you go to grow in your faith and relationships at Canvas. Whether you are exploring your faith or you are a follower of Jesus and looking to grow deeper in your relationship with Him. There is a Group for you!
Our word for 2025
In 2025, our word as a church is "formed." As a church, we are seeking to make this a year of deep and lasting spiritual formation.